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 UFC - Mouthguard / OPRO / White-Bronze / Junior (under 10 years)

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EUR 17.00

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arrow UFC - Mouthguard / OPRO / White-Bronze / Junior (under 10 years)
UFC - Mouthguard / OPRO / White-Bronze / Junior (under 10 years) UFC - Mouthguard / OPRO / White-Bronze / Junior (under 10 years) UFC - Mouthguard / OPRO / White-Bronze / Junior (under 10 years)
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Item-Nrb.: UFCMouthOProBW
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Article Description
A single layer mouthguard suitable for everyday use.
Unique features of the Training level Bronze mouthguard include:
- Patented Fins provide a retentive fit after moulding
- Suitable for all contact sports
The mouthguard's stretch zones allow it to fit almost any mouth and the wide open palate makes speech and breathing easy whilst the mouthguard is being worn.

Mouthguards are used in many sports in which deliberate or accidental impacts (blows, kicks, blows) against the face and jaw. A mouthguard can reduce the extent of injury in case of concussion. Also inline skating, skateboarding or mountain biking often lead to jaw and tooth injuries.

Mouthguard Requirements

An effective mouthguard requires:
- Covering the teeth and gums in the upper or lower jaw
- No impairment of the bite or jaw position
- No effect on athletic performance
- No impairment of breathing and speaking
- High strength and durability
- Easy to clean
- Possibility of adjusting to mixed dentition and fixed orthodontic appliances

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